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We believe that life is about balance so there is no need to do things in just the one way – we give you the choice! Our training covers a range of your needs, whether it is small groups, 1 on 1 or clinics.

Get in touch to book The Soccer Institute Training that works for you or keep an eye on our website & social media for the latest offerings!!



Small group training consists of 4-8 players being coached through TSI’s Best Practices with the focus on utilizing as many game fundamentals & phases as possible.

It is possible to join an existing or approach us with your own group of players for training, just reach out and we can make it happen!!

Regular 4 - 6 week programs delivered through weekly sessions.

1 ON 1

1 on 1 training consists of being coached through TSI’s Best Practices, with more of a focus on isolating the game fundamentals & phases.

Regular 4 - 6 week programs delivered through weekly sessions.

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CLINICS for teams / clubs

Clinics consists of being coached through TSI’s Best Practices, with of a focus on bringing the 1 on 1, small group trainings & the players personal club experience all together.

Regular 4 - 6 programs delivered through the year over a 1 - 5 day period.


In all of our training, we will ascertain a base level evaluation from our first session and then make an action plan to help you improve.

For more info on availability and prices, please leave a comment below or contact us!

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